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Visualizing iFDO information with icons#

Some of the iFDO fields require using well-defined values for those fields as described in the tables on the specific iFDO sections. For these well-defined values, icons were created to enable visualizing this capture information in web interfaces or data processing reports. These icons are available in the resources folder and an overview is given here. You are free to use these icons. They are released publicly under CC-0.

iFDO core icons#

Field Value Icon Description
image-license CC-BY license:CC-BY You are free to share and adapt the images as long as you give appropriate credit, link to the license, indicate your changes.
CC-0 license:CC-0 You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission

iFDO capture icons#

Field Value Icon Description
image-acquisition slide acquisition:slide The image set contains microscopy images / slide scans
video acquisition:video The image set contains moving images
photo acquisition:photo The image set contains still images
image-quality raw quality:raw The images in the image set come straight from the sensor
product quality:product The images in the image set are ready for interpretation
processed quality:processed The images in the image set have been QA/QCd
image-deployment exploration deployment:exploration The camera followed an unplanned path execution
sampling deployment:sampling The camera imaging samples taken by other method ex-situ
stationary deployment:stationary The camera remaind in a fixed spatial position
survey deployment:survey The camera followed a planned path execution along a free path
experiment deployment:experiment The camera observed a manipulation of the environment
mapping deployment:mapping The camera followed a planned path execution along 2-3 spatial axes
image-navigation beacon navigation:beacon Position data was created from underwater beacons (USBL, …) for an underwater position
satellite navigation:satellite Position data was created from satellite information (GPS, Galileo, …) for the sea surface
transponder navigation:transponder Position data was created from underwater beacons (USBL, LBL, …) for an underwater position
reconstructed navigation:reconstructed Position data was estimated from other measures like cable length and course over ground
image-scale-reference calibrated camera scale-reference:calibrated camera Meter-scale in the images was determined by image data and additional external data like object distance
laser marker scale-reference:laser marker Meter-scale in the images was determined by laser markers visible in the images
optical flow scale-reference:optical flow Meter-scale in the images was determined from the relative movement of the images and the camera navigation data
3D camera scale-reference:3D camera Meter-scale in the images was determined by 3D imaging / reconstruction
image-illumination artificial illumination:artificial The scene is only illuminated by artificial light
sun illumination:sun The scene is only illuminated by the sun
mixed illumination:mixed The scene is illuminated by both sunlight and artificial light
image-resolution dm resolution:dm The average size of a pixel in the image set is on the order of 1 dm = 0.1 m
hm resolution:hm The average size of a pixel in the image set is on the order of 1 hm = 100 m
m resolution:m The average size of a pixel in the image set is on the order of 1 m
cm resolution:cm The average size of a pixel in the image set is on the order of 1 cm
dam resolution:dam The average size of a pixel in the image set is on the order of 1 dam = 10 m
μm resolution:μm The average size of a pixel in the image set is on the order of 1 µm
mm resolution:mm The average size of a pixel in the image set is on the order of 1 mm
km resolution:km The average size of a pixel in the image set is on the order of 1 km
image-marine-zone watercolumn marine-zone:watercolumn The images were taken in the water column without the seafloor or the sea surface in sight
atmosphere marine-zone:atmosphere The images were taken outside of the water
seasurface marine-zone:seasurface The images were taken right below the sea surface
laboratory marine-zone:laboratory The images were taken ex-situ
seafloor marine-zone:seafloor The images were taken in/on/right above the seafloor
image-spectral-resolution grayscale spectral-resolution:grayscale The images consist of one color channel
multi-spectral spectral-resolution:multi-spectral The images consist of 4-10 color channels
rgb spectral-resolution:rgb The images consist of three color channels
hyper-spectral spectral-resolution:hyper-spectral The images consist of more than 10 channels
image-capture-mode timer-and-manual capture-mode:timer-and-manual Image-acquisition was triggered by both a timer and a human-controller
manual capture-mode:manual Image-acquisition was triggered by a human controller
timer capture-mode:timer Image-acquisition was triggered by a timer

iFDO content icons#

Field Value Icon Description
image-annotation-geometry-types polygon annotation-geometry:polygon A detailed outline was drawn around objects of interest
whole-image annotation-geometry:whole-image The entire image was annotated without defining a region of interest
bounding-box annotation-geometry:bounding-box A bounding box was drawn around objects of interest
single-pixel annotation-geometry:single-pixel Single points in the images were marked
image-annotation-geometry-types non-expert annotation-creator:non-expert Annotations were created by trained, yet non-expert persons
AI annotation-creator:AI Annotations were created by an artifical intelligence method
expert annotation-creator:expert Annotations were created by trained experts
crowd-sourced annotation-creator:crowd-sourced Annotations were created by the general public
image-annotation-geometry-types geology annotation-labels:geology Geological structures were annotated
biology annotation-labels:biology Fauna and traces of life were annotated
operation annotation-labels:operation Gear oeprations were annotated
garbage annotation-labels:garbage Garbage was annotated