ifdo metadata schema


This is an overview of metadata fields of the schema "image FAIR Digital Object":
An iFDO file is a human- and machine-readable file format collecting metadata of an entire image set, without including the actual image data, only references to it through persistent identifiers.

image-set-nameA unique name for the image set, should include image-project, image-event, image-sensor and optionally the purpose of imaging

image-set-uuidA random UUID assigned to the entire image set

image-set-handleA Handle URL (suggested: using the image-set-uuid) to point to the landing page of the data set

image-set-ifdo-versionThe semantic version information of the iFDO standard used.

image-datetimeThe fully-qualified ISO8601 UTC time of image acquisition (or start time of a video). E.g.: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f (in Python). You *may* specify a different date format using the optional iFDO capture field `image-datetime-format`

image-latitudeY-coordinate of the camera center in decimal degrees: D.DDDDDDD (use at least seven significant digits that is ca. 1cm resolution on Earth)

image-longitudeX-coordinate of the camera center in decimal degrees: D.DDDDDDD (use at least seven significant digits that is ca. 1cm resolution on Earth)

image-altitude-metersZ-coordinate of camera center in meters. Has negative values when camera is below sea level. Has positive values when the camera is above sea level.

image-coordinate-reference-systemThe coordinate reference system, e.g. EPSG:4326

image-coordinate-uncertainty-metersThe average/static uncertainty of coordinates in this dataset, given in meters. Computed e.g. as the standard deviation of coordinate corrections during smoothing / splining.

image-contextThe overarching project context within which the image set was created

image-projectThe more specific project or expedition or cruise or experiment or ... within which the image set was created.

image-eventOne event of a project or expedition or cruise or experiment or ... that led to the creation of this image set.

image-platformA URI pointing to a description of the camera platform used to create this image set

image-sensorA URI pointing to a description of the sensor used to create this image set.

image-uuidA (random) UUID for the individual image file (still or moving). This UUID needs to be embedded within the image files.

image-hash-sha256An SHA256 hash to represent the whole file (including UUID in file metadata header!) to verify integrity on disk

image-piInformation to identify the principal investigator

image-creatorsA list containing dicts for all creators containing:

image-licenseA URL pointing to the license to use the data (should be FAIR, e.g. **CC-BY** or CC-0)

image-copyrightCopyright statement or contact person or office

image-abstract500 - 2000 characters describing what, when, where, why and how the data was collected. Includes general information on the event (aka station, experiment), e.g. overlap between images/frames, parameters on platform movement, aims, purpose of image capture etc.

image-set-local-pathLocal relative or absolute path to a directory in which (also its sub-directories), the referenced image files are located. Absolute paths must start with and relative paths without path separator (ignoring drive letters on windows). The default is the relative path `../raw`.

image-entropyInformation content of an image / frame according to Shannon entropy.

image-particle-countCounts of single particles/objects in an image / frame

image-average-colorThe average colour for each image / frame and the n channels of an image (e.g. 3 for RGB)

image-mpeg7-colorlayoutAn nD feature vector per image / frame of varying dimensionality according to the chosen descriptor settings.

image-mpeg7-colorstatisticAn nD feature vector per image / frame of varying dimensionality according to the chosen descriptor settings.

image-mpeg7-colorstructureAn nD feature vector per image / frame of varying dimensionality according to the chosen descriptor settings.

image-mpeg7-dominantcolorAn nD feature vector per image / frame of varying dimensionality according to the chosen descriptor settings.

image-mpeg7-edgehistogramAn nD feature vector per image / frame of varying dimensionality according to the chosen descriptor settings.

image-mpeg7-homogeneoustextureAn nD feature vector per image / frame of varying dimensionality according to the chosen descriptor settings.

image-mpeg7-scalablecolorAn nD feature vector per image / frame of varying dimensionality according to the chosen descriptor settings.




image-acquisitionphoto: still images, video: moving images, slide: microscopy images / slide scans

image-qualityraw: straight from the sensor, processed: QA/QC'd, product: image data ready for interpretation

image-deploymentmapping: planned path execution along 2-3 spatial axes, stationary: fixed spatial position, survey: planned path execution along free path, exploration: unplanned path execution, experiment: observation of manipulated environment, sampling: ex-situ imaging of samples taken by other method

image-navigationsatellite: GPS/Galileo etc., beacon: USBL etc., transponder: LBL etc., reconstructed: position estimated from other measures like cable length and course over ground

image-scale-reference3D camera: the imaging system provides scale directly, calibrated camera: image data and additional external data like object distance provide scale together, laser marker: scale information is embedded in the visual data, optical flow: scale is computed from the relative movement of the images and the camera navigation data

image-illuminationsunlight: the scene is only illuminated by the sun, artificial light: the scene is only illuminated by artificial light, mixed light: both sunlight and artificial light illuminate the scene

image-pixel-magnitudeaverage size of one pixel of an image

image-marine-zoneseafloor: images taken in/on/right above the seafloor, water column: images taken in the free water without the seafloor or the sea surface in sight, sea surface: images taken right below the sea surface, atmosphere: images taken outside of the water, laboratory: images taken ex-situ

image-spectral-resolutiongrayscale: single channel imagery, rgb: three channel imagery, multi-spectral: 4-10 channel imagery, hyper-spectral: 10+ channel imagery

image-capture-modewhether the time points of image capture were systematic, human-triggered or both

image-fauna-attractionAllowed: none, baited, light

image-area-square-metersThe footprint of the entire image in square meters

image-meters-above-groundDistance of the camera to the seafloor in meters

image-acquisition-settingsAll the information that is recorded by the camera in the EXIF, IPTC etc. As a dict. Includes ISO, aperture, etc.

image-camera-yaw-degreesCamera view yaw angle. Rotation of camera coordinates (x,y,z = top, right, line of sight) with respect to NED coordinates (x,y,z = north,east,down) in accordance with the yaw,pitch,roll rotation order convention: 1. yaw around z, 2. pitch around rotated y, 3. roll around rotated x. Rotation directions according to "right-hand rule". I.e. for yaw,pitch,roll = 0,0,0 camera is facing downward with top side towards north.

image-camera-pitch-degreesCamera view pitch angle. Rotation of camera coordinates (x,y,z = top, right, line of sight) with respect to NED coordinates (x,y,z = north,east,down) in accordance with the yaw,pitch,roll rotation order convention: 1. yaw around z, 2. pitch around rotated y, 3. roll around rotated x. Rotation directions according to "right-hand rule". I.e. for yaw,pitch,roll = 0,0,0 camera is facing downward with top side towards north.

image-camera-roll-degreesCamera view roll angle. Rotation of camera coordinates (x,y,z = top, right, line of sight) with respect to NED coordinates (x,y,z = north,east,down) in accordance with the yaw,pitch,roll rotation order convention: 1. yaw around z, 2. pitch around rotated y, 3. roll around rotated x. Rotation directions according to "right-hand rule". I.e. for yaw,pitch,roll = 0,0,0 camera is facing downward with top side towards north.

image-overlap-fractionThe average overlap of two consecutive images i and j as the area images in both of the images (A_i * A_j) divided by the total area images by the two images (A_i + A_j - A_i * A_j): f = A_i * A_j / (A_i + A_j - A_i * A_j) -> 0 if no overlap. 1 if complete overlap

image-datetime-formatA date time format string in Python notation (e.g. %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f) to specify a different date format used throughout the iFDO file. The assumed default is the one in brackets. Make sure to reach second-accuracy with your date times!

image-camera-poseInformation required to specify camera pose. Details given in properties.

image-camera-housing-viewportInformation on the camera pressure housing viewport (the glass). Details given in properties.

image-flatport-parametersInformation required to specify the characteristics of a flat port camera housing. Details given in properties.

image-domeport-parametersInformation required to specify the characteristics of a dome port camera housing. Details given in properties.

image-camera-calibration-modelInformation required to specify the camera calibration model. Details given in properties.

image-photometric-calibrationInformation required to specify the photometric calibration. Details given in properties.

image-objectiveA general description of the aims and objectives of the study, as they pertain to biology and method scope. This should define the primary and secondary data to be measured and to what precision.

image-target-environmentA description, delineation, and definition of the habitat or environment of study, including boundaries of such

image-target-timescaleA description, delineation, and definition of the period, interval or temporal environment of the study.

image-spatial-constraintsA description / definition of the spatial extent of the study area (inside which the photographs were captured), including boundaries and reasons for constraints (e.g. scientific, practical)

image-temporal-constraintsA description / definition of the temporal extent, including boundaries and reasons for constraints (e.g. scientific, practical)

image-time-synchronisationSynchronisation procedure and determined time offsets between camera recording values and UTC

image-item-identification-schemeHow the images file names are constructed. Should be like this `image-project_image-event_image-sensor_image-datetime.ext`

image-curation-protocolA description of the image and metadata curation steps and results

image-visual-constraintsAn explanation how the images might be degraded (turbidity, blocked view, ...)

image-set-min-latitude-degreesThe lower bounding box latitude enclosing all images in the set

image-set-max-latitude-degreesThe upper bounding box latitude enclosing all images in the set

image-set-min-longitude-degreesThe lower bounding box longitude enclosing all images in the set

image-set-max-longitude-degreesThe upper bounding box longitude enclosing all images in the set

image-set-related-materialLinks to other resources that are related to this image set.
