Welcome to MIW 2019

The 2019 Marine Imaging Workshop was held at the University of Victoria in Victoria, BC Canada from June 24th to June 28th 2019.

The purpose of the workshop was to continue to provide a space to encourage multidisciplinary communication between researchers, industry and engineers to discuss the challenges and future directions in marine imaging. To do so we prioritized the following themes:
  • Biological and geological research with underwater imagery data
  • Imagery acquisition, camera systems, and technology
  • Image processing and underwater image enhancement
  • Automated classification, detection, and segmentation of marine imagery
  • Methods in machine learning for imagery analysis
  • Image annotation, both automated and manual
  • Data management, access, and sharing
  • Interdisciplinary collaborations in marine imagery analysis​​​​​​​

Keynote Speakers:

Peter Mieras (www.rendezvousdiving.com - www.subvisionproductions.com)

Roger T. Hanlon (https://www.mbl.edu/bell/current-faculty/hanlon/)
Organizing Co-chairs:
Mauricio Carrasquilla (ONC)
Maia Hoeberechts (ONC)

Scientific Committee:
Blair Thornton (Uni Southampton)
Alexandra Branzan Albu (UVic)
Oscar Pizarro (ACFR)
Fabio De Leo Cabrera (ONC)
Tali Treibitz (Uni Haifa)
Timm Schoening (GEOMAR)
Jennifer Durden (NOCS)
Katleen Robert (Memorial University)
Dhugal Lindsay (JAMSTEC)
Brian Schlining (MBARI)